The British Fluoridation Society (BFS) have had a major hand in the plan to fluoridate the Manx water supply. Their website
can be found here:-
BFS Website Link
You may also care to read the BFS Mission Statement in order to attain a better understanding of this organisation, click
here to download:-
BFS Mission Statement
You may also be unaware of the following information:-
1. The 1997 Feasibility study into fluoridation of the Manx water supply had major input from the BFS, but as the BFS
exist solely to 'promote' fluoridation this report can be regarded as heavily biased in favour of fluoridation.
2. The above feasibility study stated that in order for fluoridation to be carried out we would need to reduce to 2 treatment
works. As these new treatment works were due to come online the BFS had a member in place within the Public Health Directorate.
Dr Emerson has been a member of the BFS since 2002 and led the campaign for fluoridation since it was first announced to the
Manx public in September 2003, the Public Health Directorate are also 'corporate members' of the BFS.
3. In January 2006 Mr Guy Harkin a member of the BFS gave a lecture to members of the Manx medical profession, he was
listed as Director of the Greater Manchester Dental Alliance. The organisation does not exist, Guy Harkin was Director of
the Greater Manchester Fluoridation Alliance which is now the North West Region Fluoridation Evaluation Group. Guy Harkin
was not a doctor or dentist, he is actually an economist and former Labour deputy leader of Bolton Metropolitan Council, he
has now retired from his post.
4. Current DHSS leaflets entitled 'Water Fluoridation and Children' were produced by the UK National Fluoride Information
Centre (NFIC), the NFIC is run by Professor A. Blinkhorne a prominent member of the BFS.
5. On July 31 2007 Professor Lennon, Chairman of the BFS wrote to the Examiner newspaper and had the audacity to finish
his letter with the following statement:-
"I am pleased to hear that you are considering water fluoridation on the Island and my colleagues and I would be
more than happy to assist in any way we can."
In reality his organisation has helped orchestrate the plan to fluoridate the Manx water supply over the past 10 years.
There have been no new water fluoridation schemes anywhere in the UK since 1985, but a concerted effort to fluoridate
the Manx water supply is being pushed very hard.